Sunday, June 17, 2012

What to do with an overly-sensitive smoke detector

Wrap a shower cap around an overly-sensitive smoke detector.
Wrap a shower cap around an overly-sensitive smoke detector.

Secure with a rubber band. Now you'll never have to get on a ladder to turn it off every time you cook or take a shower.


  1. That's a good idea. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Please do not do this! There is a reason it is going off!!! #1 reason - the detector is in the WRONG PLACE. It goes off due to high amounts of moisture (which damage the components inside -remember what happens to speaker when water gets in?) and it goes off because of particles from what you're cooking (particles from the cooking spray burning off -aerosols - or just you burning food). 1, move the detector away from your bathroom area and further from the door of the kitchen. 2, change to a different type of detector they make them for kitchens now. Questions? Call your local fire department or fire marshal and ask for help on placement. They'll come to YOU. Please read my article on fire safety and the different detector options:
